Whether you would like to make a complaint or offer a compliment, all feedback is used to strengthen our programs and improve our service for the benefit of families like yours.
Our feedback process is confidential. Any information you provide will not affect our commitment to providing a quality service to you and/or your family.
Wanslea is committed to child safety and delivering services that are responsive to the needs of the community and our clients and will always seek to continuously improve.
View our client feedback and complaints policy
A complaint is a way of telling us that something is unsatisfactory or unacceptable or that you have a concern, are unhappy or worried about something.
A complaint can be made about services or about a member of the Wanslea staff, educator, child, carer or family accessing Wanslea services and are taken seriously.
Complaints can only be made against Wanslea. Any grievances with outside agencies such as Government agencies, the Children’s Court or Family Court or other agencies, fall outside of this feedback and complaints process.
If you would like to report a Child Safety concern, click here.
If you would like us to respond to you, please include your name, contact number and/or email address.
There are many ways in which a feedback can be submitted or a complaint can be made. These are:
Ask a parent, family member, carer or friend you trust to contact Wanslea for you.
Call, email or speak face-to-face with a Wanslea worker you know and trust.
Call the main Wanslea office on 08 9245 2441
Send a note or letter by post to: PO Box 211 Scarborough Beach Road, WA 6922. Write ‘PRIVATE’ at the top of the envelope. In your letter, make sure you tell us your full name and address.
Share your experience via our contact form.
Complete a feedback and complaints form at any of our locations. A Wanslea staff member can support and assist you fill in this form.
If you provide your contact details, you will be contacted within two working days verbally or in writing to tell you how we will address your feedback.
If you make a complaint, we will investigate the complaint, decide the action to be taken and notify you of the outcome.
Our aim is to have all feedback or complaints resolved within 21 days where possible. If there are any delays in this process, you will be advised accordingly.
There are external bodies in each state of Australia that can help if you are unhappy about how we have handled your feedback and/or complaint.